Day 1

This is the beginning.  Day 1. January 1. The first day of the rest of my life.  My goals aren't that tough.  I can and will do this!

Goal 1 - Post each day on this site.  Upload a photo or a comment or both.  Who knows what it will evolve into. I have written a blog before.  I loved it.  I chronicled my family's move to Belgium and our life as expats. If you search really really hard you just might find it out there in the web.

Goal 2 - Close my rings every day on my Apple watch.  I will post my progress on this blog.  I probably won't show my daily progress, but I will show a weekly or monthly tally. I have never done anything like this before.  We will see how it goes. I really have no excuse to not accomplish this.  I have no one but myself to hold me back.

Goal 3 - Travel as much as possible.  At first glance this goal is kind of silly. I am going to travel anyway.  I love it.  Just making it one of my goals gives me an excuse to travel even more. Plus travel will provide tons of content for this blog.

My never ending Goal - Pray more and get closer to God. I started this journey March 2022.  It’s more of a way of life than something I can document over 365 days. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a ring on my watch for prayer? Did you pray today? You closed your ring- excellent!

Besides getting my blog up and running I am also packing for my first trip of 2023.  Tomorrow I leave for Florida.  Two cruises and a trip to WDW are on my agenda for January. You will notice that losing weight is not in my list of goals.  I hate that goal.  I hate that I start every year with a plan to lose weight and I never do it. I am hoping that a different approach will have a more positive outcome mentally and physically.  

Here I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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