Day 44

 I couldn’t decide what to write for the 44th day of the year.  I have a TON of things to get done today. But the most important task is meeting with my lawyer to sign my Will. 

Wills are a funny thing. Do I really care what happens to all my stuff? I’ll be dead and gone - buried, burned or recycled. I think the purpose is to make sure there is peace for the rest of the family. No arguments and no fighting. My girls and their spouses can say that Mom put her ultimate and final wishes in writing so that is how we will move forward. The paperwork itself is very formal but it doesn’t get into the things I’m most concerned about. Could I add a note at the end about how they should feel? I don’t think that is legal but if I could add that I would. Here is what I would write… 

Be kind to each other forever. Respect the lives your sisters lead and the decisions they make. Be happy for their successes and be there for them when they fail. Don’t be sad about my departure. I worked hard to get to  heaven and pray that I’m there. Believe in God. Teach your kids to believe in God. Be happy and live a life you’re proud of. The end. 


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