Day 58

 The last day of February was a sea day. I love sea days. There is no agenda and nothing to do. Actually the cruise ship provides TONS of activities. I was invited to a wine tasting. I really don’t like wine. I always felt like it was assumed that I drank it. My husband never really asked if I liked it and I wouldn’t dare admit I didn’t. So what do I really like? Bourbon, Vodka or any non-sweet drink are really my favorites. 

Now back to the wine tasting. It was fun!  Everyone at my table was as either from Florida or Canada. I was the loan midwesterner but they welcomed me anyway. The ship wine expert, or sommelier, was very wise. She was Ukrainian and really knew her wines. She shared the four varieties that are used the most on the cruise. She also told us what to eat with each one. (Prosecco with salad - Yum!) We tasted Prosecco, white Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot noir. I liked the Prosecco the most because I love the bubbles. I met a bourbon drinker at the end of the event who told me a new one I should taste. We had a nice conversation. 

For dinner I had the best red snapper I have ever eaten. It was balanced on spicy roasted carrots in a creamy sauce. 

Our route today took us all the way around the south tip of Cuba. 

At lunch there was a chocolate fountain. Can you guess what is inside the chocolate?

There was also an obscene amount of shrimp!




  1. I see that cute little golf purse by your coffee. Love it!


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