Day 95


Before I start this little rant, please know that I have nothing against Botox. In fact, under the right circumstances, I might actually entertain the idea of repairing that mad looking V in the middle of my eyebrows. But on Sunday I saw a woman who had clearly had lots of transformations on her face. I was sitting near her in the airport lounge. She wasn’t weird or wildly dressed but her face was definitely altered. There were other alterations below her chin, but I won’t go into all that! I don’t know much about fillers, but I’ll just say she had lots of Botox. Her real face was not discernible, and I just wondered what she really looked like. What did she look like before her lips were big, her cheeks were pronounced, her forehead was smooth and her chin was defined? If she and her grandmother were sitting down to lunch would her grandmother even recognize her.? And what about her parents? Do they remember what she really looked like? Do they regret not being able to see their real daughter?  And how about her kids if she has them? Would they rather just see their mom? I guess the real question is should we all just age gracefully. Do I want the people I love to know who I am? Do I want them to recognize me?  When I’m lying in my casket would I like my loved ones to say “Julie had a great life” or “wow she had great Botox?”  

You can probably guess how I want to be remembered. Julie had a great life!


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