Yesterday was not the day

 Poor Leah. She is still in labor. Yesterday was not the day so today will be the day I become a grandma! I’ll post again later today update.

More construction is happening at my house today so that will keep me preoccupied. The electrician is here this morning to move a couple outlets and upgrade my smoke detectors. Yesterday was a Drywall day so everything is covered with that film of drywall dust. Later on today my fabulous contractor GINO will be here. He really is a great guy. He speaks multiple languages which is important in Florida. Frequently the workers need to call him during the day. Most of the conversations go like this:

Blah blah blah Julie’s house. Blah blah blah blah blah Julie blah blah blah blah. Blah blah Julie blah blah drywall. Blah blah electric. 

Then Gino calls me and says whatever the workers needed. It’s usually something simple but the process to communicate is slow. I have started using google translate to get things accomplished quicker. It’s a funny scenario. All the contractors have been excellent. 


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