Day 59


I have been talking about this excursion for many months. “I’m going to ride a horse on the beach!” My friends and family were probably tired of me talking about it but no one ever let on. They all smiled and cheered me on. 

The night before this activity I just couldn’t sleep. I was actually nervous. I have zero experience riding horses. I think I have ridden a horse twice and a camel once. I even know someone who has ridden an ostrich! I wouldn’t mind riding an elephant in India or a donkey in the Grand Canyon but I don’t think an ostrich ride is in my future. 

This excursion was more than just a ride on the beach. When we arrived at the ranch we were fitted for helmets and sized up for the perfect horse. My horse was named Ricky Rose. He was patient with me but impatient with his buddies who didn’t stay in line. We had to practice riding first. The guides gave us instructions and hints to make us more proficient. We finally rode through a forest area on our way to the beach. 

Once we arrived at the beach we rode for a while along the water. Then we did something I didn’t expect. We dismounted our horses and the guides fitted them with a swimming saddle which had no stirrups. I don’t have pictures of Ricky Rose and me in the water but you can imagine it was scary and exhilarating all at the same time. He was a good swimmer and I held on for dear life!


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